Our publications / Nos publications
In this section, you will find all my work, published, unpublished, preprint, and other scientific work documents.
Each article is put on the site so that you can read them fluently, via an integrated web PDF reader. In addition, the summary can be read before reading the PDF, and you will also find all the links html publications of my articles in other sites, such as Academia.edu, Research Gate or gs.journal.
Each article put online under the protection of copyright, specifically the CC BY-NC-ND Creative Commons license (see legal notice of the site).
Dans cette rubrique, vous retrouverez l'ensemble de mes travaux, publiés, non publiés, preprint, et autres documents de travail scientifique.
Chaque article sont mis sur le site de façon à que vous puissiez les lire de façon fluide, via un lecteur PDF web intégré. Par ailleurs, le résumé peut être lu avant la lecture du PDF, et vous retrouverez aussi tous les liens html des publications de mes articles dans d'autres sites, comme Academia.edu, Research Gate ou encore gs.journal.
Chaque article mis en ligne sous soumis à la protection du droit d'auteur, plus précisemment de la licence Creative Commons CC BY-NC-ND (voir mention légale du site).
Roman Baudrimont | Entropic Description of Gravity by Thermodynamics Relativistic Fluids and the Information Theory
The purpose of this paper is to show a new approach to unify the theory of general relativity and quantum physics. For this, we rely on thermodynamics, fluid mechanics and the theory of information. -
Roman Baudrimont | Description Entropique de la Gravité par la Thermodynamique des Fluides Relativistes et par la Théorie de l'Information
Le but de ce papier est de montrer une nouvelle approche d’unification entre la théorie de la relativité générale et la physique quantique. Pour cela, nous nous basons sur la thermodynamique, la mécanique des fluides ainsi que la théorie de l’information. -
Roman Baudrimont | Stress Energy Tensor Study in Fluid Mechanics
This paper is to summarize the involvement of the energy-momentum tensor in the study of fluid mechanics. -
Roman Baudrimont | Etude du Tenseur Energie Impulsion en Mécanique des Fluides
Ce papier vise à résumer l’implication du tenseur énergie impulsion dans l’étude de la mécanique des fluides. -
Roman Baudrimont | Tenseur Energie Impulsion Quantique Relativiste : Approximation Linéaire de l’Equation d’Einstein et Equivalence avec [...]
Ce papier vise à résumer l’implication du tenseur énergie impulsion dans l’étude de la mécanique des fluides. -
Roman Baudrimont | Stress Energy Quantum Tensor - Linear Approximation of the Einstein's Equations and Equivalence with the Klein-Gordon's Equation
Ce papier vise à résumer l’implication du tenseur énergie impulsion dans l’étude de la mécanique des fluides. -
Roman Baudrimont | Entropic Gravity and the Space-Time Fluid
The power point "Entropic Gravity and the Space-Time Fluid" is a complete and accurate summary of all my research articles. It is itself considered a scientific article in its own right. -
Roman Baudrimont | Quantum Entropic Gravity with Quantum Field Theory and General Relativity : A First Approach with Bijective Physics
The power point "Entropic Gravity and the Space-Time Fluid" is a complete and accurate summary of all my research articles. It is itself considered a scientific article in its own right. -
Khelalfa Houssam | Amélioration des sables marin par vibroflottation et stabilité du Caisson
Le traitement du sol par vibroflottation est une technique récente permettant l'amélioration d'un sol présentant de médiocres propriétés géo-mécaniques. En outre, ce traitement permet de minimiser le risque de liquéfaction et l’instabilité de caisson. -
Khelalfa Houssam | Technical Analysis and Monitoring of Rock Mass Behavior During The Provisional Support Phase of The Texanna
In this research work, Rock Mass Rating (RMR) was used for the characterisation of rock mass along the tunnel alignment based on physical, geological and geotechnical data of the project area. The support systems were recommended for all geotechnical units using RMR and tunneling quality index (Q-system) support chart. -
Khelalfa Houssam | Stabilité des quais portuaires en caisson
Pre-loading is a technique for treating compressible soils, and has just been applied at the DjenDjen port of Jijel in Algeria, as part of its development and extension. -
Khelalfa Houssam | Soil treatment by vibroflotation
Soil treatment by vibroflotation is a recent technique for improving soil with poor geo-mechanical properties. In addition, this treatment minimizes the risk of liquefaction and the instability of the caisson. -
Khelalfa Houssam | Dynamic Compaction With High Energy of Sandy Hydraulic Fills
This Article is interested to establish diagnostic of dynamic compaction test, basing on the results of SPT tests and quality control as well as the details of work of compaction and the properties of filling materials. and the instability of the caisson. -
Khelalfa Houssam | Dynamic Compaction With High Energy of Sandy Coastal Embankment
The feasibility of this technique to ensure the stability of the caisson workshop and to minimize the risk of liquefaction during manufacture the caissons. -
Manuel Malaver | Some new models for strange quark stars with isotropic pressure
We found new class of solutions to the Einstein-Maxwell system of equations for charged quark matter within the framework of MIT Bag Model considering a gravitational potential Z(x) proposed by Thirukkanesh and Ragel (2013), which depends on an adjustable parameter n. -
Manuel Malaver | Strange Quark Star Model with Quadratic Equation of State
In this paper, we studied the behaviour of compact relativistic objects with anisotropic matter distribution considering quadratic equation of state of Feroze and Siddiqui (2011). -
Manuel Malaver | Quark star model with charge distributions
In this paper, we studied the behavior of relativistic objects with anisotropic matter distribution inthe presence of an electric field considering a gravitational potential Z(x) of Thirukkanesh and Ragel (2013) which depends on an adjustable parameter n. -
Manuel Malaver | Models for Quark Stars with Charged Anisotropic Matter
In this paper, we found new exact solutions to the Einstein- Maxwell system of equations within the framework of MIT Bag Model considering a particular form for the measure of anisotropy and a gravitational potential which depends on an adjustable parameter {\alpha}. -
Manuel Malaver | Anisotropic fluid star model in isotropic coordinates
We present a spherically symmetric solution of the general relativistic field equations in isotropic coordinates for anisotropic neutral fluid, compatible with a super dense star modeling by considering a specific choice of anisotropy factor that includes a positive constant defined as anisotropy parameter -
Manuel Malaver | Modeling anisotropic charged neutron star in isotropic coordinates
We present a spherically symmetric solution of the general relativistic field equations in isotropic coordinates for charged fluid with pressure anisotropy, compatible with a super dense star modeling. -
Manuel Malaver | Relativistic Modeling of Quark Stars with Tolman IV Type Potential
In this paper, we studied the behavior of relativistic objects with anisotropic matter distribution considering Tolman IV form for the gravitational potential Z. The equation of state presents a quadratic relation between the energy density and the radial pressure. -
Manuel Malaver | Vapor Pressure in a Paramagnetic Solid ?
In this paper, we obtain an analytical expression for the vapor pressure of a paramagnetic solid for high temperatures. We have considered the behavior of magnetic materials in the presence of an external magnetic field using the thermodynamical analysis and the elements of statistical mechanics in microscopic systems. -
Manuel Malaver | Carnot heat engine efficiency with a paramagnetic gas
Considering ideal paramagnetic medium, in this paper we deduced an expression for the thermal efficiency of Carnot heat engine with a paramagnetic gas as working substance. We found that the efficiency depends on the limits of maximum and minimal temperature -
Manuel Malaver | Analytical Models for Quark Stars With Van Der Waals Modified Equation of State
Stellar models consisting of spherically symmetric distribution of charged matter locally anisotropic in strong gravitational fields have been widely considered in the frame of general relativity. -
Manuel Malaver | Strange Stars Models in the Color-Flavor Locked State
In this paper, we found new classes of exact models to the Einstein-Maxwell system of equations which describe the internal structure of a compact star made of strange matter considering the equation of state proposed by Rocha, Bernardo, de Avellar and Horvath in 2019. -
Savyasanchi Ghose | Missing correlation between thermodynamic entropy and information entropy in Von-Neumann's argument
In this paper, we will examine the Von-Neumann's argument related to a quantum gas undergoing a reversible process, and we will show how there is a flaw when information entropy of the observer is neglected -
Savyasanchi Ghose | Schrödinger's Cat : A Seft Emergent Phenomenon as a Result of Entanglement Between Subsystem and System in Modified Von-Neumann
the "Schrodinger's cat paradox" this paradox is generally studied or correlated with so called "observer effect, there is similar sentence we often come across through and that is "consciousness collapses the wave function" or measurement by any observer collapses the wave function -
Savyasanchi Ghose | SLIDE SHOW : Undeniable need of observer In the Quantum world
the "Schrodinger's cat paradox" this paradox is generally studied or correlated with so called "observer effect, there is similar sentence we often come across through and that is "consciousness collapses the wave function" or measurement by any observer collapses the wave function -
Sergio Garcia Chimeno | All Special Relativity Equations Obtained with Galilean Transformation - Version 1
Demonstration of how to do that the light velocity c be the same independently of the velocity of the observer and obtain the mass-energy equivalence E = mc 2 using the Galilean transformations and the 4 dimensions zoom-universe model characteristics. -
Sergio Garcia Chimeno | All Special Relativity Equations Obtained with Galilean Transformation - Version 2
To demonstrate that the universe has a hyperspherical shape, in which its hypersurface consists of 3 conventional dimensions (x, y, z), and that the Zoom can be considered as another dimension (Zz) that acts as its hyperradius and is capable of replacing our concept of time. -
Sergio Garcia Chimeno | Todas las Ecuaciones de la Relatividad Especial Obtenidas con la Transformacion de Galileo
Demostrar la hipótesis de que el universo tiene forma hiperesférica en la cual su hiper-superficie se compone de nuestras 3 dimensiones habituales (x, y, z) y que el Zoom puede ser considerado como una dimensión mas (Zz) que actúa como su hiper-radio y que es capaz de sustituir a nuestro concepto de tiempo.