Savyasanchi Ghose | Schrödinger's Cat : A Seft Emergent Phenomenon as a Result of Entanglement Between Subsystem and System in Modified Von-Neumann
ABSTRACT : One of the most famous paradoxes of the quantum physics is the "Schrodinger's cat paradox" this paradox is generally studied or correlated with so called "observer effect, there is similar sentence we often come across through and that is "consciousness collapses the wave function" or measurement by any observer collapses the wave function, but the question still is how we define an observer? How do we resolve Schrodinger's cat paradox? Is it illusion or is true? In this paper I will show that Schrodinger's cat paradox is a "self-emergent" phenomenon in any quantum system having two subsystems (cat +Maxwell's demon) and (measuring device+ observer) in entangled state, Hence the information transfer is by entanglement , I will take Von-Neumann, thermodynamic and entanglement entropy in consideration. Introduction and procedure of von-Neumann arrangement.
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