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Sergio Garcia Chimeno | All Special Relativity Equations Obtained with Galilean Transformation - Version 2

ABSTRACT : Background: There are several "holes" in our current conception of the universe. What existed before the Big Bang? How are the spatial dimensions and time created? What are the limits of the universe beyond the observable universe? Where is the transmission medium that all waves need in the case of light and electromagnetic waves in a vacuum? Purpose: To demonstrate that the universe has a hyperspherical shape, in which its hypersurface consists of 3 conventional dimensions (x, y, z), and that the Zoom can be considered as another dimension (Zz) that acts as its hyperradius and is capable of replacing our concept of time. Methods: This hypothesis is demonstrated by obtaining all the Special Relativity and General Relativity equations through Zoom Theory, solving the issues presented in the Background in a simple and logical manner, and demonstrating that the Lorentz transformation is not necessary to obtain the invariance of the speed of light c for any observer, as it is possible with the simpler and more intuitive Galilean transformation. Results: It is demonstrated that the speed of light c and the Maxwell equation are invariant, regardless of the observer's velocity using Galilean transformations. The relation E = mc 2 is deduced using the presented hypothesis, and it is demonstrated how and why that energy is potential energy. It is demonstrated how and why the new Zoom dimension is the medium for the transmission of light and electromagnetic waves in a vacuum, obtaining the wave equation. How to obtain the Einstein Field Equations without using the Stress-Energy tensor, the Bianchi Identities, or the Conservation of Energy is demonstrated. It is instead demonstrated how to obtain these by only using the Gaussian curvature and this theory. A new view of light and a logical explanation of wave-particle duality is presented. A new and much more intuitive view of Gravity that completes the current view is presented. Conclusions: The proposed hypothesis is correct, as demonstrated by the multiple demonstrations and deductions used. Research implications: This theory could be used to explain dark energy and dark matter (since the universe is a hypersphere, following light's trajectory in a straight line, we would see distant galaxies in a Zoom Level different from ours, with which mass-energy would have to be added to obtain its correct curvature). It could also be used to explain quantum entanglement as a conservation of angular momentum, given that this theory provides a point that is common to the entire universe (its centre). It could also be used to unite quantum physics and relativistic physics into a single physics, thanks to the wave-particle duality explanation.

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