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Sergio Garcia Chimeno | All Special Relativity Equations Obtained with Galilean Transformation - Version 1

ABSTRACT : Demonstration of how to do that the light velocity c be the same independently of the velocity of the observer and obtain the mass-energy equivalence E = mc 2 using the Galilean transformations and the 4 dimensions zoom-universe model characteristics. Demonstration of how to interpret it the time dilation/length contraction typical of the special relativity using the Galilean transformations and the 4 dimensions zoom-universe model characteristics. Demonstration of how to obtain the typical waves equation with transmission velocity c and how to obtain it through the medium for transmission of light in the void, given by the zoom-universe model. Demonstration of how to obtain the Einstein Field Equations without using the Stress-Energy Tensor, without using the Bianchi Identities and without using the Energy Conservation to obtain it. Demonstration of how to obtain the Einstein Field Equations only using the Gauss Curvature and the zoom universe model characteristics. Gravity in zoom universe model. Special relativity zoom. General relativity zoom. Sphere and Hypersphere example to understand it better.

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