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Khelalfa Houssam | Technical Analysis and Monitoring of Rock Mass Behavior During The Provisional Support Phase of The Texanna

ABSTRACT : In this research work, Rock Mass Rating (RMR) was used for the characterisation of rock mass along the tunnel alignment based on physical, geological and geotechnical data of the project area. The support systems were recommended for all geotechnical units using RMR and tunneling quality index (Q-system) support chart. Furthermore, Various design input parameters such as physical and geotechnical properties, in situ stresses, modulus of deformation of rock mass, support systems recommended by RMR were used as input parameters in Phase2 2D 8.0 software, in order to compare the calculation results with in-situ monitoring using Amberg Tunnel 2.0 software, to validate the numerical models and to check the deformations of the tunnel in the temporary support stage.


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